Nutra chemical and Organoleptic Quality Evaluation of Wood Apple Products- an underutilized fruit of North-East India
Wood Apple an underutilized fruit of north-east India was used for finding the
feasibility of preparing value added confectionery products such as jam, jelly and candy. The
products were prepared from pulp of wood apple with the addition of different combinations
of Sugar solution and pectin. The biochemical analysis showed that the Jam (Ja2) with 50%
sugar solution has TSS (%) 65.53±0.23, Moisture (%) 40.30±0.24, Ash (%) 0.33±0.02,
pH3.52±0.10, TA0.35±0.04 and TS (%) 54.27±0.23. Jelly (Je1) with 0.5% Pectin was
found to be TSS (%) 67.31±0.30, Moisture (%) 28.96±0.05, Ash (%) 0.60±0.01,
pH3.56±0.05, TA 0.33±0.01 and TS (%) 75.77±0.21.Osmotically dehydrated Candy (Ca1)
at 40°Brix was found to be TSS (%) 75.08±0.38, Moisture (%) 18.74±0.16, Ash (%)
0.34±0.01, pH 3.34± 0.22, TA1.34±0.19 and TS (%) 76.12±0.73. Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and Duncan multiple range tests (for least significance difference among means
at p < 0.05) showed that the results of Ja2, Je1 and Ca1 were found to be chemically
synchronous with the (FSSAI) Food Safety and Standard Authority of India specification.
Sensory evaluation of the products on the basis of 5 points hedonic Scale (5 like extremely,
4 like much, 3 Nether like or dislike, 2 dislike moderately, 1dislike extremely) depending on
quality attributes of Flavour, colour, taste, mouthful and overall acceptability the Jam and
Jelly got highest score and candy got mixed response. The overall result showed that the
product was at par with any other such product available in the market. Hence based on the
present investigation it can be claimed that wood apple has the potential that can be used for
value added products namely fruit candy, jam and jelly.