Role of Rural Youth in Decision Making Related to the Farming System in Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh, India
Decision making, Agricultural Practices, participation, rural youth.
The involvement of youth in agriculture is vital as they may be more energetic, effective, and receptive to new ideas and advanced technologies. A study was conducted in the district of Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh state, out of thirteen development blocks five blocks were selected purposively in the district, and three villages were selected randomly from each block. From each selected village eight rural youth were selected randomly for data collection. The total sample size of the study was 120 rural youth farmers of the Fatehpur district. A structured interview schedule was used to collect the data; collected data were analyzed and interpreted in the light of the objective by using the appropriate statistical tool to draw a logical conclusion. The study revealed that 65.83 per cent of rural youth farmers had a medium level of decisionmaking while participating in agricultural practices. Innovativeness, size of family, landholding, family income, and sources of information had a positive and highly significant relationship with the decision-making of rural youth in farming. Age and occupation had a significant relationship with the decision-making of rural youth in agricultural Practices.
Research Article
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