
  • Sangeeta Gupta Head of Department Ram-Eesh Institute of Education, Greater Noida
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Education is a very powerful tool of the Enlightenment. But only education is not enough, right education can bring about a change. So to bring about change with education, which is very much worth the effort, the education must be built upon a solid foundation. Sometimes, just educating someone isn’t enough. It’s more important to show the person how to apply the knowledge he gained.
In his study Dr. Vikramjit Singh attempted to find out achievement in Science and Attitude towards Science Practical among Secondary School Students of Patna. The study has been conducted on 120 students administering standardized test on Attitude towards Science Practicals. This study used a 30-item Science Attitude scale adapted from the work of Prokop, Tuncer, and Chudá (2007). The findings showed that the differences existed in achievement in science on the basis of gender and on the basis of area of location of the schools whereas in terms of attitude towards science practicals the difference only existed on the basis of area of location of the schools. It was also found that there existed significant relationship between achievement in science and attitude towards science practical among secondary school students of Patna.

Dr. Shelly Jain conducted her study on vocational interests of tribal adolescent students (boys and girls) of Eklavya Model Residential Schools of Madhya Pradesh. 300 tribal adolescents (150 boys and 150 girls) of 16-18 years studying in Eklavya Model Residential Schools of Madhya Pradesh were selected through random sampling for the study. The Vocational Interest of students was assessed by Vocational Interest record constructed by researcher. The data were analyzed with the help of mean, SD and t-test. The result drawn that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of vocational interests’ scores of boys and girls in literary, household, agriculture, persuasive, constructive, scientific, social, commercial, technology, management, defense, media and medical but there is no significant difference between the mean scores of vocational interests scores of boys and girls in artistic and education.
