A Qualitative Study of User Retention for Businesses-A Data Science Perspective

  • Abhijit Banubakode MET Institute of Computer Science Mumbai, India
  • Rushdan Bijapure MET Institute of Computer Science Mumbai, India
  • Daulappa Bhalke Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology (DIT), Pune, India
Keywords: User retention; Complaint handling; Segment; Budget.


User retention refers to a company's efforts and tactics for retaining existing consumers. User retention analytics facilitate these measures by providing predictive data of which consumers are likely to churn, allowing them to be ahead of the game. Since the mid-1990s, user retention has been a hot topic, but little research has been done on the process that leads to high retention rates. The relationship between user retention outcomes, budgeting and accountability, segmentation (targeting specific customers), and the presence of a well-documented complaints-handling process is investigated in this research.


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