Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment (Crypto. Biodiv. Assess.) An official journal of Indian Lichenological Society (ILS)
About the journal
Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment is a biannual peer reviewed journal dedicated to cryptogams (algae, fungi, lichens, bryophytes and pteridophytes) and their systematics, ecology, diversity, biomonitoring, bio prospection, conservation, climate change and other allied themes. Journal publishes the most significant research across the basic and applied research. The journal follows the standards for high quality science set by the ILS and is committed to publishing prominent research in all area relating to cryptogam.
Categories of Manuscripts Research articles (not exceeding 4000 words) report research results of major significance. They should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph and brief subheads. Research communications (not exceeding 2000 words + 2 display items) contain important new findings that are novel and of fairly broad interest. They should include a brief abstract and an introductory paragraph. Review articles (not exceeding 5000 words, cited references to be limited to about 50 in number) are expected to survey and discuss current developments in a field. Book reviews (not exceeding 1000 words). Although Book Reviews are generally solicited/commissioned, unsolicited reviews will also be considered.
Author conflict of interest statement Authors must acknowledge the organizations that have provided financial support for their work. Any other conflict of interest must be declared while submitting the manuscripts.
How to Submit Online submission: Submission should be sent to editor-in-chief at For any query regarding submission please contact editor-in-chief at or Submission policies: Editor-in-Chief also reserve the right to reject a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems with the scientific content or with violations of our publishing policies. We offer the option of double-blind peer review. Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. Permissions: Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Processing Fee: Upon acceptance of the manuscript corresponding author will be requested to pay processing charges for publishing the manuscript vide Demand Draft to Secretary, ILS, LKO or through wire payment. Processing Fee Life Members of ILS (Corresponding author) Rs. 1000/- Others Rs. 2500/- International 75 $
Bank details Account No. – 34349534762 Account in the name – Indian Lichenological Society Bank Name and branch – State Bank of India, NBRI Lucknow (10173) IFSC Code – SBIN0010173 MICR Code – 226002051 Note: Deposition of cash in the ILS account is strongly discouraged.
Preparing the manuscript Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment has vast readership including researchers from a wide range of backgrounds such as biology, geography, environmentalist, EIA experts, plant physiologists. Authors should therefore give careful thought to how their findings may be communicated clearly. Abbreviations, particularly those that are not standard should be kept to a minimum and should be defined at their first occurrence. The background, rationale and main conclusion of the study should be clearly explained. Title and abstract in particular should be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any scientist.
Journal format
Title Page: The title page should include, a concise and informative title, the name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s), the e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
Abstract: Please provide an abstract of not more than 200 words.
Keywords: Please provide 6 to 8 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. Avoid using the words already appeared in the title of the article.
Text Formatting: Manuscripts should be submitted in Word. Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text. Italics may be used for emphasis. Use the automatic page numbering and line numbering function to number the pages. Strictly use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar. Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables. Use the equation editor or MathType for equations. Preferably save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher).
Headings: Please use not more than three levels of displayed headings.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
References: Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples: Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Awasthi 2000). This result was later contradicted by Singh and Upreti (1991). This effect has been widely studied (Awasthi 2000; Nayaka et al. 2010; Shukla and Upreti 2007; Upreti et al. 2001).
Reference list: The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work.
Journal article Divakar PK, Upreti DK, Sinha GP and Elix JA (2003). New species and records in the lichen family Parmeliaceae (Ascomycotina) from India. Mycotaxon 88: 149-154 Article by DOI Singh BN, Upreti DK, Singh BR, Pandey G, Verma S, Roy S, Naqvi AH and Rawat AKS (2015). Quercetin sensitizes fluconazole resistant Candida albicans to induce apoptotic cell death by moulding quorum sensing. Antimicrob Agents Chemother doi:10.1128/AAC.0359914 Book Upreti DK, Divakar PK, Shukla V and Bajpai R (2015). Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and approaches in biomonitoring and bioprospection, volume I. Springer Heidelberg. Book chapter Singh CP and Prabakaran C (2015). Reflectance spectra of high-altitude lichens based on insitu measurments. In: Upreti DK, Divakar PK, Shukla V and Bajpai R (eds.) Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in Biomonitoring and Bioprospection, volume I. Springer Heidelberg, pp 181-188
Online document Nayaka S (2005) Lichen collection, preservation and identification methods for beginners. Accessed 12 March 2015
Tables: All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body. Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
Figure numbering: All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). If an appendix appears in your article and it contains one or more figures, continue the consecutive numbering of the main text. Do not number the appendix figures "A1, A2, A3, etc." Figures should be inserted within the ‘word’ document and placed at the end of the manuscript after tables. However, authors must provide the
figures in JPEG, TIF or BMP at the time of submission of revised manuscript. This would ensure better resolution of the images.
Figure captions: Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file. Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type. No punctuation is to be included after the number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption. Identify all elements found in the figure in caption; and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs. Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.
Ethical responsibilities of the authors This journal is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results which could damage the trust in the journal, the professionalism of scientific authorship, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavour.
Maintaining integrity of the research and its presentation can be achieved by following the rules of good scientific practice, which include: The manuscript has not been submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. The manuscript has not been published previously (partly or in full), unless the new work concerns an expansion of previous work (please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the hint of text-recycling (“self-plagiarism”). A single study is not split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various journals or to one journal over time (e.g. “salamipublishing”). No data have been fabricated or manipulated (including images) to support your conclusions.No data, text, or theories by others are presented as if they were the author’s own (“plagiarism”). Proper acknowledgements to other works must be given (this includes material that is closely copied (near verbatim), summarized and/or paraphrased), quotation marks are used for verbatim copying of material and permissions are secured for material that is copyrighted. Authors whose names appear on the submission have contributed sufficiently to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility and accountability for the results. Changes of authorship or in the order of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.
Note: Copy and pasting the text or figures directly from internet or pdf to word file is strongly discouraged. The journal uses software to screen for plagiarism.
Changes in authorship: Requesting to add or delete authors at revision stage, proof stage, or after publication is a serious matter and may be considered when justifiably warranted. Justification for changes in authorship must be compelling and may be considered only after receipt of written approval from all authors and a convincing, detailed explanation about the role/deletion of the new/deleted author. In case of changes at revision stage, a letter must accompany the revised manuscript. In case of changes after acceptance or publication, the request and documentation must be sent via the Publisher to the Editor-in-Chief. In all cases, further documentation may be required to support your request. The decision on accepting the change rests with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal and may be turned down. Therefore authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct author group, corresponding author, and order of authors at submission.
Note: Upon request authors should be prepared to send relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results. This could be in the form of raw data, samples, records, etc.
Proofs: eproofs will be sent to corresponding author, which should be returned within 48 hours.
Online first: Once the article is ready the journal publishes in its website as ‘online first’
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.