Pharmaceutico - Analytical study of Trailokyamohana Rasa

  • Pavan Kulkarni Assistant Professor, PG department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, BVVS Ayurved Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • P. R. Deshpande Professor, PG department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, BVVS Ayurved Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Rasashastra, Trailokyamohana Rasa, Anatrdhuma Method, Kupipakwa Rasayana.


Herbo-mineral formulations occupies significant seat in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Nearly 70% formulations include combination of one or more metallic/mineral with several herbs which have supporting role in treating the disease. Trailokyamohana Rasa is one of the herbo- mineral formulation prepared by the Kupipakwa Rasayana method explained in the context of Prameha. The present study deals with the preparation and analytical study of Trailokyamohana Rasa, a unique formulation prepared by Antardhuma method of Kupipakwa Rasayana. The analysis of Trailokyamohana Rasa showed 8.4pH, 1.36% loss on drying, 68.94% of total ash and 38.56% of acid insoluble ash. X-RAY Diffraction Study of the sample revealed the peak of mercury which was in HgS form. Peaks also showed traces of Calcium, Tin and sulphur which was crystalline in nature. AAS analysis was done which revealed the traces of Calcium 16%, Tin as 7.56%, sulphur as 3.8%, carbonate as 40.25% and loss on ignition was 49.30% and Hg level showed below 1 ppm. Peaks at intervals showed the traces of Hg (Mercury), S (Sulphur). Second peaks showed the traces of Ca(Calcium) and Sn (Tin). Some other components were found such as C (Carbon), O (Oxide), Na (Sodium), Al (Aluminium), Si (Silicon), P (Phosphorus), Cl (Chlorine), K (Potassium), Fe (Iron), Cu (Copper).