Commonly Confused Aspects of Research Paper: Discussion Paper

  • Ahmed Lateef Alkhaqani M.Sc., Ministry of health, Al-Najaf Direction, Al-Sadder Medical Hospital, Al-Najaf, Iraq
Keywords: confused aspects, elements, research paper, writing a manuscript.


Background: Confusion about elements of a research paper is common among students. The key to writing a good research paper is to know these common elements and their definitions. Maybe find that writing a research paper is not as easy as it seems. There are many parts and steps to the process, and it can be hard to figure out what needs to do and when. Objective: This article aims to teach these common aspects of a research paper to avoid common mistakes while drafting own. Conclusion: Each section of the research paper serves a distinct purpose and highlights a different aspect of the research. However, before starting drafting the manuscript, having a clear understanding of each section's purposes will help avoid mistakes.