INGO Capacity-Building within Poor Communities throughout the Philippines

  • Warner P. Woodworth Adjunct Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Keywords: Philippines, poverty, INGO, capacity-building, microcredit, PEDF, EMI.


The research case below attempts to capture and summarize many years of work in the trenches with struggling Filipinos as they have had to combat many travails. Overcoming the dictator Ferdinand Marco’ corruption, civil conflicts between the north and southern islands of the nation, extreme poverty for tens of millions of people, and the never-ending natural disasters of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and more have only exacerbated the people’s suffering. Public policy and both national and local governments had done little to combat Filipino poverty. With the above context, however, a small set of strategies since 1990 has sought to help people “weather the storms” of their lives. A private International Non-Government Organization (INGO) known as the Philippines Economic Development Foundation (PEDF) began in an American classroom, and gradually rolled out a mix of international development efforts to assist families throughout the Philippines. The analysis below summarizes such efforts: Capacity-building, microcredit, mentoring of microloan recipients, training and education, and more. The article concludes with a summary and future prospects as the new decade of 2020-2030 rolls forward.