TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN TEA Through Quality, Safety and Risk Management: An HACCP Perspective

  • V. G. Dhanakumar Professor of Quality, Extension and Operations Management at Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Jnana Bharathi Campus, P.O. Malathalli, Bangalore-560 056. The author is serving as a National Expert on HACCP on behalf of the FAO, Rome
Keywords: TQM; HACCP; Hazard analysis, Critical control; Tea manufacture; quality-safetyrisk


Total Quality Management in Tea through application of the principals of quality, safety and risk management are essential for competitiveness in case of both the small and large growers, in this era of WTO regime. At this juncture, when tea prices are globally depressed, it is particularly important to understand the application of the principles of HACCP perspective in plantation sector, which is discussed in this conceptual paper, with special application for tea producers.